Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Distract me, please.

Happy Birthday Peta.
Here's a picture to remind you that we were once 18.
And that you have a longer tongue than I do.

Facebook is magical I tell you. She can now determine if I'm happy or not. I call FB a 'she' because like girls, FB has the ability to spread rumors and gossip and scandalous updates and can be very judgmental. Apparently I'm the 7th most happiest person out of about 400 other people. Wah if I'm number 7, number 15 must feel suicidal now.

On a totally unrelated note, I woke up thinking not about what I should study for tomorrow's Pharmacology exam.
Instead I thought about how many times I've accidentally swallowed ants without knowing. You know, like maybe there's an ant in my choc chip cookie. Or when I drink my water without looking at it properly.
Things like that happen okay, does not make me sound weird or anything right?


  1. No bah. Ndak weird lah you.Bah birds of a feather flock together. =] What am I? hahahhahah. GOOD LUCK TOMORROW! YOUHAVETOPERFORMEXTRAWELL!!!! ROAR!! more like heeeheeeeheeee. *if it reminds you of a certain stripey animal.* DIE IN BED LAH. See you later. I can't form a proper sentence.

  2. i am damn DCL that peta charmaine now ok. her hair grows SO FAST.

  3. wah lauu... I wtfed the minute i saw that picture. Thanks lah ging.
