Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cold tuna sandwich at 2 a.m

is always good.

6.30 pm on a Wedensday.

I'm a sucker for crazy colours. But half of my wardrobe is filled with black and grey.

Jeannette fun fact #93
I'm a sucker for stickers. But of course I'll bow down to the superiority of The Sticker Monster. =)

If I've made you a card for the past 10 years chances are that card has a sticker. A sticker which I liked a lot but I sayang you more so I stuck one on your card for you.

I'm wondering if I can put stickers on my Pathology lab report. Or on my dummy in simulation lab. They'd probably cut my marks on professional behaviour. RAAR.

I'm not sure why I brought my compass back to the hostel, I have a tendency to bring EVERYTHING here because I insist that I need them all. Moving out of here is gonna be a bitch. But I'll worry about that when I graduate.
Well at least I know that I'm facing the right direction, according to Lilian Too. No kidding I used to read that shit.

I spent quite a bit of time in bus stations these couple of days and oddly enough Dai Shan and I met several old people. They talked about their lives, and you could tell that they had regrets.

One uncle in particular got to know that we're studying in AIMST and he told us he was classmates with one of the directors in AIMST. The uncle praised him, said he used to ask him to finish his homework and gave him 10 cents for it. Then he started comparing himself with the director. One a tanned, worn out bus conductor. The other a successful doctor.

On another bus ride I managed to ask an old lady if she had children. She said she had none. Sure some people can choose to live without a family, but there will always be a difference. There will always be times when she ponders why doesn't she have any children, and what's it like to have them. It'll be worse when you've had the chance but you never got around to it.
Observations of real life experiences tell me that these people will grow old happy on the outside but bitter deep down

because we will always want what we don't have.


  1. Great post. =]
    p.s. Thanks for the Mac and Cheese too.

  2. alice and i are gonna try CNY-ing our hostel too
