Friday, May 6, 2011

Sometimes i wonder if you know.

In movies, when the scar faced somebody calls the father to ask a ransom for his hot daughter, they'd call and just say where and when to meet. They also say it really fast because they wouldn't want the FBI to trace them.

And normally this place is just somewhere really obvious. An abandoned warehouse. Or the 2nd dustbin opposite the public toilet across the building with a door near the sea. Give it to the penguin.

It's never really just: put the money at the Ramli burger stall. That would be a little difficult to comprehend.

That's just about as off putting as when you've watched 541 episodes of cantonese drama that leads to the ultimate scene where the father of the child is finally revealed. Thanks to bad timing the subtitle appears first and you get to find out even before the child in the scene knows.

Just among the many worldly issues that matter to me.

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