Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I will never find out.

You know how packs of food come with a label at the corner that says 'tear here'? I'm sure I have what it takes (dexterity, willpower, precision, hunger) to tear open the packet but half the time, they never do. Then I turn the pack over to see who's the manufacturer so that I can curse them for giving me false sense of hope. The hope that your life will be made immensely simpler because you can just 'tear here'. Now I have to get a pair of scissors. Or tear somewhere else. 

I'm a pain to watch movies with. While everyone else are immersed in the suspense of whether Brad Pitt will survive the zombies, I wonder if he gets hungry. Doesn't Channing Tatum need to pee in the midst of killing off terrorists? Because really, you'd think that viewers would care if these dedicated people needed a toilet break or a sandwich.

While at a food court I saw my coursemate. I couldn't believe the we bumped into each other! I also couldn't believe the confused look she gave me. We've been only away from uni for over a month. Has she really forgotten about me? Must be the new glasses. 

Because I said hi to a stranger. 

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