Monday, December 28, 2009

Entertainment of the day

Rumpelstilskin was so horrible I just HAD to finish watching it. Believe it or not the first thing I took notice of is Rumpelstilskin's teeth. Why am I not surprised.

My dad and I spent the afternoon pointing out all the unrealistic events of the movie.

In this movie, Rumpelstilskin comes back to life from the 1400's and still wants a baby FYI in the original fairytale he was promised a baby in return of spun gold. So he sets out chasing this woman who has a baby. Obviously woman runs.

Rumpelstiltskin has good motor skills. Either that or a steed from the 1400's has the same working mechanism of a monster truck of the 1990's. He jalan tempang-tempang can drive ha. Can drift somemore. AND all of a sudden he smokes cigars.

Excuse my English today. So datin-cina-in-pasar. Anyways.

Don't be alarmed he's more normal than he really looks.

For the past few days I've been hanging out with my brother. Being true to my cougar self I also asked him to bring some of his cute 18 year old friends Jacob and Ong. Suddenly, being 20 felt like the new 50. gahh.

Current obsession, buttons!

They were hilarious. Their voices have not even matured completely so when they talk you can still hear their voices suddenly go off into a high pitched tone.
And they were very polite. They called me Aunty.


  1. aunty, why did u even watch tat kinda movie?

    P/S: I'm being called uncle once too... :)

  2. LOL, now everybody's calling you aunty

    i like B movies because of the wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am factor

  3. wah... kids these days hit puberty after 18? Hmm... what wonders.
    Is that rumpelstilskin movie some kinda comedy -__-

  4. hmmmm i must use to be one of those late bloomers that i've never been called uncle yet..... we shall see soon though. hmmm n looks like ur having fun with family. nice!

