Sunday, July 31, 2011

I am a hoarder

for all the right reasons.

So I was going through some of my old stuff that were still in boxes when I moved to Sarawak. I told myself that I needed to get rid of some things, you know, de-clutter the house.

My buku catatan pengawas from when I was in form 2. Sorry Alan Chai I think I got you punished or something.

Saya hendak jadi saintis bila saya besar. Haha what was that.

This was my very first trophy. Won it when I was 7 I think, during a fashion show competition. Mum's idea. I was smokin in that Kiko dress and purple make up.

My kemahiran hidup project. The boys got to do some cool looking book racks, and all we got to do was a box.

Dirty notes from friends.

Basically, all I ended up doing was raid through every box and put everything back where they came from.

1 comment:

  1. mmmm. Diry notes. Good ol' nineties. We still knew how to use pen and paper back then. You have any pictures of you in mekap and smokin' purple kiko dress? heheh. xD Laugh die me this post. HOARDER.
